Saturday, July 17, 2010

A newspaper at war with itself over #Climategate

Okay, I admit it, that's talking things up a bit, but here we have both sides of the debate in what is essentially the same newspaper.

There now seems to be a trenchcoat war brewing between journalists over the Climategate whitewashes and the recent “blacklist”. For example, the WSJ recently ran a story on the folly of the Muir-Russell inquiry, and is being lambasted for taking a stand on the skeptical side. One journalistic camp accepts the blacklist and inquiry decision without question, the other camp sees through it and questions why such basic things as why the inquiries never talked to the plaintiffs (skeptics) and why climate activists need such a list at all except to isolate people.

One such war of words is taking place in an unlikely place ; on the pages of the Financial Post in Canada.

Two columns, two opinions. One in my opinion, ugly, the other matter of fact. You be the judge for yourselves which is which.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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