Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Meet Animal Meat international conference

I can't help but laughing about the title of this idiot fest.

A mate used to go into adult book stores with his cousin looking for the best titled stick book.

On one occasion it was a gay porno named Meet My Meat.

Anyhoo, this isn't nearly as interesting or as funny.

Despite what postmodern dribblers claim about being humorous and transgressive, the reality of course is that they are as dull as bat shit and hopelessly pompous and pretentious to boot. The humour is always unintentional and the joke is always on them.

David Thompson – who is skilled at locating this sort of nonsense – posts an announcement from the Meet Animal Meat international conference, organised by Uppsala University’s Centre for Gender Research:
Informed by feminist investigations of embodiment and bodiliness, we ask: How do we understand our bodily relationship to other animals? How do we embody animals, and how do animals embody us? How are carnal modes of incorporation, intimacy, and inhabitation kinds of contacts forged between “HumAnimals” … ?

What is the meaning of meat, and the meat of meaning?

Meat means food, you idiots. And “meat of meaning” contains oysters.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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